IIIT Hyderabad Campus Tour 2020

Pentaprism IIIT-H has put together a small tour of our beautiful campus with the community's personal touch, specially intended for the new batch that would be joining us virtually. To the rest of the students and alumni, we hope this video brings back fond memories :)

Swachitra: Independence Day Mosaic

On the occasion of India's 74th Independence Day, The Art Society of IIIT Hyderabad and Pentaprism - The Photography Club of IIIT Hyderabad proudly presented a mosaic made of over 6000 of beloved memories and invaluable moments of the IIIT community.
Do check it out at pentaprism-iiith.github.io/independence-day-2020!

Hands On Intro to a DSLR

A hands on session for getting used to handling and understanding a DSLR, as part of preparation for clicking pictures for Felicity

Basics of Photography Workshop

A workshop to introduce the basic techniques used and principles followed while clicking pictures. The main of this workshop was to motivate the fundamental concepts of Photography.

Introduction to Lightroom Workshop

Workshop on getting started with Adobe Lightroom, and the various features it offers to make post processing easier for photographers